Summarized by the Alliance for Fort Eisenhower
Published January 31, 2024
The threats from adversaries far and wide digitally attacking our networks, technologies and critical infrastructure will only increase, and a robust, highly-skilled cybersecurity workforce is necessary to protect our country. Officials understand this, and seeing a huge number of unfilled cyber positions in the military, government and private sector, they have sprung into action over the last several years.
The cyber workforce plays a key role in national and global security and are the key to countering evolving cyber threats and maintaining readiness, said Mark Gorak, principal director of resources and analysis in the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD’s) Chief Information Office. Workforce gaps in cyber, information technology and networking still exist in large numbers, but there are positive inroads. The DoD is making advancements in recruiting, developing and retaining the best cyber talent through the implementation of several programs, Gorak confirmed.